
craaaaaaaaaaaaaap im sick n coughy and fevery and to make it worse, im going for the 8-day taipei mission trip this sunday!!!!

until the 17th! and wait, isn't that the start of the orientation week? ha, think i'll have to be late (heh but i will support the ogls n whatnot in prayer!)

but complaints aside, and despite myself, i'm pretty excited about the taipei trip. apparently, experienced people say that there's going to be so much to do that everyday we'd only get to sleep at 3am and get up at 7 am. wowee i'll either die or become stronger.

anyway, it's good to be back, but i miss perth, but then really, its good to be back, but i really kinda miss perth, but its good to be back, but i miss perth...aurgh!
i think utopia for me would be a combination of Perth and Singapore.

(oh and i realised something important

that we'd never really understand the other
we're from two different worlds
and never the twain shall meet

not that i don't care, but think its best to avoid unnecessary conversation :)
you know i hate conflict. )